Your Inheritance In The Land In Your Region
by Patrick Holloran
Why You Need To Know History For Today...
Pat and his wife Valeria are founders of Harvest House International Ministries. Pat is an equipper of generations, with a hope that those who come after him will do greater. Pat has also written several books on the supernatural.
by Patrick Holloran
Why You Need To Know History For Today...
by Patrick Holloran
Belonging to a like-minded team, fellowship, or community, is of great importance to our...
by Patrick Holloran
Jesus was waiting for the right time to deliver this news to the apostles. It was not casual...
by Patrick Graham Holloran
Why should Christians become involved in Politics?Throughout my travels, in my emails, and even in my phone conversations...
by Patrick Graham Holloran
Let’s explore this title because your words can prevent you from seeing the supernatural and walking...
By Patrick Holloran
God is realistically going to pour out the greatest move of the Spirit of all time. It will be a revival reformation...
By Patrick Holloran
Therefore every one who hears these words of Mine, and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man...
by Patrick Graham Holloran
A group of frogs were traveling through the woods when two of them fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs gathered...