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Synchronized Governmental Intercession
by Jim and Faith Chosa

January 15, 2021

This morning, Holy Spirit suddenly inspired the following for our continued intercession for America in this very, very perilous moment in its Constitutional History. So please make a copy of this intercession and lift it up and use it as a starting place of supplication and intercession as often as Holy Spirit directs you to do so.

Mighty Heavenly and Holy Father, “we” magnify Your Holy Grace by which Your Power manifests in the Earth and its peoples.

“We” lay hold of all the undivided interest of Your people in America with respect to the Office of the Presidency. “We” acknowledge and confess before You, Father, that this Office has been defiled for generations, and now it is a place where Sin abounds.

Your Living Word declares that where Sin abounds Holy Grace superabounds! “We,” by the legal jurisdiction to do so, therefore, through the Blood of the Cross, apply multiplied, abounding Holy Grace in, on and over the Office of the Presidency!

“We” likewise unite the Offices of Congress with this supplication and decree and say: in, on and over these Offices of National Government Holy Grace upon Grace!!

Blessed BE the Mighty Lamb of Elohiym!!

By Your Holy Grace, Father, manifesting as Your Power, “we,” in the Authority of Yeshua, King of kings, crush the spirits of wickedness, rulers of darkness, and principalities seeking to undermine and overthrow our Nation and weaken Your Nation, Israel!

“We,” in the manifest Light of Holy Grace and the Blood of the Mighty Lamb, now expose all hidden evil working in and through these seats of high government to the Light of Your eternal Judgment and Divine Justice!!

“We” thank You, Yeshua, Mighty King, and You, Holy Spirit, for granting us great Favor upon our supplication and intercession today!! Thank You, Father, for hearing our supplications and intercessions!!!!

Thanks for reading. See you soon!

Wayne C Anderson & Your I.A.M. Apostolic Directors & Team