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"In Jesus' Name!"

by Wayne C. Anderson & Kevin Ford

Wayne & Kevin begin to uncover the Name above every name!
We not only talk about doing the works of the ministry of Jesus IN His name
but we also reveal the importance of what happens when
asking and applying the indelible mark of His name upon every believer.
When we are operating in His name our voice is the same as
His voice because it is His voice that speaks.

Click the photo and watch the podcast and be blessed!
Click here for the audio only mp3 version
Click here to watch this podcast
"“In that day you will not question Me about anything.
Truly, truly, I say to you, if you ask the Father for anything in
My name, He will give it to you.”
John 16:23 (NASB)
“Until now you have asked for nothing in My name;
ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be made full.”
John 16:24 (NASB)
“In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to
you that I will request of the Father on your behalf.”
John 16:26 (NASB)

Thanks for reading. We hope to see you soon!

Wayne C & Stephanie Anderson - Kevin & Cynthia Ford,
Along with Your I.A.M. Apostolic Directors & Team
Behold He Is Coming With The Clouds
IAM CONVENING Heart of the Father JUNE 2022