What Kings Need To Know About Worms
“Then immediately, an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was...
“Then immediately, an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was...
by Wayne C. Anderson
Baptism? What's it about? Why should I? Why should we?
Wayne brings baptism back into perspective.
by Wayne C Anderson
At the inception of democracy, there was a lofty idea of government that is oriented to...
By Wayne C. Anderson Covenant plays a strong functional, foundational, and yet silent role in the creation of all things....
By Carl Diener
There is a level of worship that the church seldom reaches. You can’t really plan it or program it into your schedule. It’s a lot like the upper room thing.
by Wayne C. Anderson
Wayne reveals some healing spiritual thoughts about the Sabbath's Day rest...
By Kathy Berkley
Many people have common questions that they ask in their lives. Who am I? From where did I come? Why was I born? I believe God put within each of us a desire to know the answer to these questions.
by Stephen Meyering
We have come through this excellent time of preparation, Divine alignment and Divine order as the Lord has been getting us ready for this New Season of Mobilization, Harvest and Increase.
by Wayne C Anderson
Destiny is most important to God the Father and how we handle that destiny ought to be most important to us. Let’s look at some history that should tell us what the Creator thinks about us breaking His first command to mankind.
by Carl Diener
A revelatory allegorical story with a deep truth about the harvest field of the Lord. You'll probably want to read this several times and each time you'll see another side to is truths.
by Carl Diener
Soaking in the Presence of the one we love, we drink of His Presence and are inebriated by His love, and we are changed. When Peter shouted out, "you are the Christ, the son of the living God." Jesus said, "flesh and blood did not reveal this to you." How did Peter know? He knew because he had spent time with Jesus and the Spirit of the Father God was speaking to his heart.
by Dede Budz
Given all of this observation and meditation, the word ‘good’ (in the English language) is an inadequate word to describe all of this. The word ‘good” doesn’t do justice to His magnificence.
When in doubt, go back to the original language.
by Tim Katon
Goodness of the Lord
The law of first mention.
When the goodness of the Lord is it first mentioned in the scriptures is Genesis chapter one. . Genesis one teaches us that the light of creation is a declaration of God's goodness and that light brings abundant life.
We therefore declare our Father's words and say light be!
Watch this video.
by Wayne C Anderson
There are specific scriptures that I call pivotal because, in some way, the truth of what is said is revealing the heart’s desire of our Creator and Father, the Master of the universe. These pivotal scriptures are frequently hidden in some memorable happening or prophecy.
By Steven McMullin, The Word of the Lord came to Steven McMullin, during our Northeast IAM Convening in Albany, New...