We’re Flyin’
by Crystal Langdon
It is 8:00 am and the email arrives... on time and consistent. The report for today's activities...
by Crystal Langdon
It is 8:00 am and the email arrives... on time and consistent. The report for today's activities...
by Carl Diener
This city was like most others, encompassing both good and the evil. In the case of...
by Michael Brennan
Imagine yourself alone in a your favorite chair, opening your Bible and beginning to read. Before you...
by Rich Carey
As we look at the multitude of challenges facing our world today, it’s evident that we are in serious...
by Patrick Holloran
Belonging to a like-minded team, fellowship, or community, is of great importance to our...
by Patrick Holloran
Jesus was waiting for the right time to deliver this news to the apostles. It was not casual...
by Timothy Wilson
Some time ago, I saw a vision of the five stones that were in David’s bag when he went out onto the field...
by Carl Diener
When one looks at the ruins of ancient Greece, Rome, or Egypt, the buildings that remain are the best structures...>
by Wayne C Anderson
The Kingdom of Heaven must invade the earth and "There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace...
by Wayne C Anderson
The liberal politicians and media have so distorted the Constitution of the United States of America...
by Patrick Graham Holloran
Why should Christians become involved in Politics?Throughout my travels, in my emails, and even in my phone conversations...
by Wayne C Anderson
There is a place that the Father of us all has prepared for you to dwell. It is there that His blessings...
by Patrick Graham Holloran
Let’s explore this title because your words can prevent you from seeing the supernatural and walking...
by Cynthia Ford
As Jesus has asked the question to me, I now ask you, “What do you see?” We know...
By Wayne C Anderson
Sometimes the scripture is really blunt. I think that a good example is in Proverbs 12:1...